We’ve been helping shepherd this modern marvel of hospitality brands from around 10 sites about ten years ago, to over 130 sites today. It’s the biggest brand you’ve never heard of, on purpose.
The ethos of Lounges is that they are relaxed, community-focussed places, “like all the comforts of home but better. Unless you have a chef and a bar in your lounge”.
Our approach to developing and managing this nationally leading brand over ten years of intense growth while maintaining a local, down to earth feel has been to take the opposite approach to standard brand wisdom – we are ‘never knowingly consistent’.
We keep things real. We use old photos of actual Lounge staff family members and real old wallpaper designs. This communicates a sense of approachability and authenticity and ensures the Lounge brand has ownable assets. No one else has Dave’s Grandad.
We’re very consistent about maintaining the level of inconsistency across the brand, including looking after tone of voice, websites, social media, menus, posters, staff manuals, signs and toilet cleaning checklists.
Helping to grow the brand over ten years, from 12 sites in 2009 to over 130 sites in 2019.
We’ve been working with you for years now and I can wholeheartedly say you are truly awesome and have added immense value to our business. You are a really key partner for us and have been instrumental in moving our brand, and as a consequence our business, forward in leaps and bounds.