The way we work with...

Membership magazines

For many organisations, the humble magazine is the key communication tool to their membership.

Whether printed or online, it’s the main way to keep them informed and updated about projects and fundraising. We help create clear, beautiful and interesting publications that really speak to your membership.

Surrey Nature

Surrey Wildlife Trust approached us several years ago to design their triannual members magazine, Surrey Nature Their mission is to restore nature across the county and with nearly 30,000 members behind their cause, the magazine plays a vital role in increasing awareness for local nature and highlighting the benefits of their reserves.

The magazine itself is designed like a commercial magazine – lots of pull-outs and bitesize facts to browse through, but also has in depth species features, updates on legislation and fantastic photography heroed throughout. Quirky illustrations where appropriate and interesting pull quotes really give it character and make it accessible to a huge audience.


For many years we designed the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum members magazine. We worked closely with the editor on this 60-page quarterly publication which connected their membership to the National Arboretum’s collections; informing them of the charity’s activities and fundraising campaigns, updated them on the activities of the tree team and wider staff, and showcased in-depth tree features for those who wanted to dig a little deeper.

Stunning photography combined with a classic layout making use of negative space creating a beautiful publication which was the pride of staff and volunteers and the envy of gardens around the world. We also designed and illustrated the children’s pull out section and seasonal trail map.

Downland Thymes

The South Downs National Park’s Volunteer Ranger Service (VRS for short) use their magazine, Downland Thymes, to share the activities and anecdotes of the hundreds of volunteers working across the park every quarter.

Using the brand toolkit and visual language, we design Downland Thymes to have a friendly newsletter feel. Deliberately not too slick! The volunteers are advocates for the park and its conservation and enjoy submitting articles, updates, poems, photos and expert knowledge to create a publication that’s just for them. We work closely with the editor at the South Downs National Park Authority to deliver on tight timescales and budgets.

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