The way we work with...

English National Parks

Working with nine English National Parks to develop, rollout and manage the brand for the English National Park Experience Collection.

From early 2018 our brief has been “…to create an emotional and motivational brand proposition that places England’s National Parks on the international ‘must-experience’ list.”

We developed and tested four potential routes with the Australian and German target audience segments, with a clear lead concept emerging based around “England’s Extraordinary Outdoors”.

We worked with photographer Dan Cook and filmmakers Rob Potter & Gokotta Film to build a new image and film library to support the brand, capturing the essential wonder and alive-ness of the experiences.

We worked with Josie Gillingham to develop a distinctive tone of voice with the necessary directness to appeal to Australian audiences (!) and to work in German translation.

The digital developers CyberMedia absolutely nailed balancing the character of the brand with the usability of the multilingual website, as we’re rolling communications out in the UK, Germany and Australia.


… this is an absolutely fantastic piece of work. You have got to the heart of the project and understood and incorporated our comments at every stage. A huge thank you for producing such a high quality product for us.

Rosie Hancock-Pook |Communications & Marketing Manager |UK National parks

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